
PPSI is proud to introduce you to our online support portal. Whether you are a new customer of someone we have been working with for years, we hope this portal gives you the best experience possible with PPSI. This document will introduce you to our method of customer service here at PPSI and introduce you to the support portal we use to track issues, ensure clear communication and resolve issues quickly.  The online portal  is available from the support tab of the PPSI website (prototypesys.com) or simply by navigating to ppsihelp.freshdesk.com. 

Log in

Before you can start using the portal, a PPSI representative will create a company profile for you, as well as a personal login. When an account is made for a customer, the portal will automatically send you an email asking you to verify the email address and confirm you would like an account. Clicking the link provided in that first email will bring you to our support portal for the first time. You will enter your email address and click the Reset Password button to begin the process.  Go back to your email inbox and you will see another email has come in with a link that will allow you to create a password. Do this and you are ready to start using the PPSI support portal. 

Browse for Information

Upon logging in, you will have the ability to browse the knowledge base. This includes common maintenance procedures, answers to frequently asked questions, and manuals. Note that the articles you see in the knowledge base on the homepage of the portal are exclusive to your company profile. There may be files with your company name or manuals specific to your machine, these are not visible to other customers

Open New Request Tickets or Review Existing Tickets

When you want to communicate with PPSI, make a ticket if you want a lasting record of the interaction.  Select new ticket if it is a new request or look at the existing list of tickets if this is an ongoing interaction.  We encourage you to use the ticket system to document anytime you request an action from PPSI. This includes requesting status on deliveries and repairs as well as the status of traditional problem resolution activities. Please continue to submit purchase orders to "orders@prototypesys.com" but we encourage the use of the ticket system to request order status. You have the most control over how a ticket is made if you use this support website (ppsihelp.freshdesk.com ) to make and view request tickets.

Email for Support

Note that this support website works in conjunction with the support@prototypesys.com email address. Emailing support@prototypesys.com will automatically create a ticket and assign a PPSI agent. The agents will respond from the support@prototypesys.com email address and email responses are logged in your company profile to be reviewed later if necessary. Using email to create a ticket is not as flexible as using the support website  since much of the ticket is filled in automatically. It is handy if you can not lo into the support website. 

Call for Support

You can  call the main office number at +1 (763) 557-9348 and one of the PPSI personnel will create the ticket for you.  Later on you can  use the support website to review progress of the request.

This is a new platform for us so please let us know what you think!

Thanks much! 

-The PPSI Team